Wednesday 25 March 2015

Te Ahu a Turanga Noho Marae

Description:  In week 7, we had an overnight stay at the local Marae in Woodville.  We were immersed in Maori culture and participated in a range of activities.  We set two goals to focus on during our stay.

Big Idea:  
1.  Did you achieve your goals? Yes  How do you know? Because now I can pull every move of by heart and I weaved a fish by myself

2.  What are you most proud of from the marae stay and why? 
I'm most proud of weaving a fish because before that I never tried before
3.  What challenged you the most and why? Falling asleep on a low sort of uncomfy bed. 

Monday 23 March 2015

Story Telling

Purpose: create a story to share orally
Description: Oral storytelling is a Maori tradition. We have been planning our own story to tell on the Marae in Week 7.

Big Idea:
My morale of my story is that smart beats the strength. I am using a porcupine and a lion to tell that story

Evaluation: I don't like my story because it doesn't have humor or fun. I like how it has a good lesson.

Feedback: I like how you made up a story in your own way 
Feedforward:you could improve on saying it quicker

Sunday 22 March 2015



We have been learning about transformation.  We have specifically learnt that...

  • translation is when an object slides in any direction;

  • rotation is when an object is turned around a central point;

  • reflection is when an object is flipped and has a line of symmetry.

Our challenge was to design a car badge that contained at least one of these aspects of transformation.   

Big Idea:
Feedback/feedforward: Lachie I think you did really well at explaining your item you got a lot of words in your badge. Feedforward you could work on trying to make them the Same size. #Maraki

I like how my badge represents me with the guns but I need to make the guns the same size because I was rushing. If I did it again I'd ether do an animal or guns again but make them the same size.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Two Stars and a Wish

Description: the two stars are the good things and the wish is the thing you want to work on.

Sunday 8 March 2015

My mihi

A pepeha tells people about how you connect to a place. This is our Russell Street School pepeha.

Ko Ruahine me Tararua ngā maunga

Ko Manawatu te awa

Ko Kurahāupo te waka

Ko Rangitāne te iwi

Ko Te Ahu A Turanga te marae

Ko Russell Street School te kura

Ko (Dad’s name) rāua ko (Mum’s name) ōku mātua

Ko (Your Name) au

Monday 2 March 2015

Star Test

CDescription: On Thursday we did a star test about reading. I go 10/10, 9/10, 16/20, 10/10. So over all I got 45/50. Here is my test.

Big Idea: My goal is to improve my comprehension. To get better at that I need to make a picture or a mental image in my head because I get to ingrossed in my book. This will help me get better at reading.